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The nights are lighter, we’ve hopefully seen the last of the cold snap and the daffodils are almost ready to show their beautiful faces. Spring is a great season to start afresh, throw open the windows and top up your cleaning efforts because so often, the environments we surround ourselves in influence our minds and bodies.

Clutter can leave people feeling less productive and more distressed – they say an untidy room can lead to a messy mind. Sonya Sanders from local cleaning company Spik n Span says that from client feedback, having a clean and orderly home gives people a better sense of control and calm. It’s one less thing for them to do around the home and it’s almost a new start after every clean has been done.

She comments: “If having a professional cleaner isn’t an option just yet, there are some things that can be done quite easily. Start by decluttering before you clean and then move from top to bottom. If you have things in the cupboard that haven’t been used for six months, throw them away, gift to charity or sell.”

“Clutter is a biggie that leads to more dust, so if simplifying your home and cleaning schedule is on the to-do list this year, be brave and get rid of what’s no longer needed.”

In her book Outer Order, Inner Calm, author Gretchen Ruben suggests becoming a tourist in your own home. She says “Visit every space in your home or office, see what’s inside every cabinet, drawer and wardrobe. Don’t feel the pressure to clear it out there and then. Simply recognise it and remove just a bit of clutter to get the momentum going.”

Sonya concludes: “The after-effect of a deeply cleaned home for our customers is noticeable from the moment we leave, it’s visible and our customers are in a much happier place. That makes us feel proud of a job well done.”

Want to be more sustainable with your domestic chores? Try these:

  • Freshen the air – Instead of grabbing a tin of air freshener, try a toxic-cleansing houseplant, including Peace Lilies & Aloe Vera.
  • Natural products – Things like lemon juice, baking soda and white vinegar are being used again more for domestic cleaning.
  • Reusable rags – Microfibre cloths are great for cleaning surfaces and can be popped in the wash as many times as needed.
  • Swap plastic for glass – Not only does this reduce plastic usage & your carbon footprint, but it can also cost less over time.