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If there’s one thing that encapsulates the way colour and pattern have reclaimed the British home, it’s the return of bolder, brighter prints – on walls, soft furnishings, in kitchens, hallways and even the smallest of bathrooms.

No longer is pattern confined to one ‘feature wall’ or a couple of cushions or even curtains: mixing and matching bolder patterns is making its way throughout the home
this year.

Rewind the clock a decade and rooms were meant to look simple, with perhaps a touch of colour or pattern. But as styles have changed, that clean and clinical room can look a little too corporate and glossy if everything is plain and brand new.

Don’t be afraid to experiment with colours and patterns – and there are also great furniture and accessory finds to be had on Etsy and the antique platform Narchie.

You may even want to reupholster an item of furniture that’s been hidden away for a while and is in need of a little updating.

Today, there is so much opportunity to be creative with wallpaper, home furnishings and furniture, and if you shop around it absolutely doesn’t have to cost a fortune.

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